(deprecated?) The angle of view when using Iron Sights. Possibly more flags, but has a constant value of 145 (0x91) in all records
0 is used by the 'Unarmed' weapon, the weapon versions of the knife and fork, and the unpatched woodcutter's axe.įor melee weapons, this is a multiplier used in the reach formula: fCombatDistance * NPCScale * WeaponReach (where fCombatDistance is a gamesetting).Ġx01: Ignores Normal Weapon Resistance (probably an obsolete holdover from Oblivion) 0x02: Automatic 0x04: Has Scope 0x08: Can't Drop 0x10: Hide Backpack 0x20: Embedded Weapon 0x40: Don't Use 1st Person IS Animations ( or Don't Use 3rd Person IS Animations - always paired with 0x100 in third set of flags) 0x80: Unplayable (The checkbox display in the CK is 'Playable', i.e.Lookup: 0=Other, 1=OneHandSword, 2=OneHandDagger, 3=OneHandAxe, 4=OneHandMace, 5=TwoHandSword, 6=TwoHandAxe, 7=Bow, 8=Staff, 9=Crossbow SSE version: 24 byte struct uint16 - Critical Damage uint16 - Unknown float32 - Critical % Mult uint32 - FlagsĠx01 Critical Effect on Death uint32 - Unknown formID - Critical Spell Effect (SPEL) uint32 - Unknown Points to another WEAP record to use as a templateġ6 byte struct uint16 - Critical Damage (0-13) uint16 - Unused float32 - Critical % Mult (0-1.5) uint32 - FlagsĠx01 Critical Effect on Death formID - Critical Spell Effect (SPEL) Points to a MATT.īlock bash impact data set. WEAP records hold information about Weapons.